Recent content by Jtblackram

  1. Jtblackram

    Should I change my trans fluid?

    Honestly doing it now if the service interval is 60k makes me a bit nervous, maybe better late than never but with transmissions its tough. If i end up doing if I think it has to be before 100k. Gives me some months to plan it out
  2. Jtblackram

    Should I change my trans fluid?

    I have a 2018 black express, 90k miles, had about half of those miles towing, driving on the beach or hauling crap in the bed. I don’t feel great about changing it myself with how crazy a process it is, any ideas how much a shop would charge to do it? Or should I just ride it out and hope it...
  3. Jtblackram

    Oil drain plug can’t come off

    Id be at the shop already before id be posting pictures on the internet, raise some hell down there or better yet ask them to change your oil and see what they say
  4. Jtblackram

    What did you do with your 4th Gen this week?

    Cracked 70k and changed her oil. Still humming along no major problems
  5. Jtblackram

    Windshield replacement OEM or Aftermarket??

    I agree usually would buy oem, in this case i would say the aftermarket is a better product than the oem
  6. Jtblackram

    Windshield replacement OEM or Aftermarket??

    I have insurance for the vehicle that doesn’t come with glass insurance unfortunately
  7. Jtblackram

    Windshield replacement OEM or Aftermarket??

    When you say smaller do you mean thickness of the windshield? I never really took the time to gauge the thickness of the first one but this one definitely doesn’t have any more sound intrusion than the og did
  8. Jtblackram

    Windshield replacement OEM or Aftermarket??

    Oh yeah if insurance was involved i hundred percent agree, I would hate to get stuck with an aftermarket pos if it didnt work correctly. I’m definitely looking into glass coverage just in case now
  9. Jtblackram

    Grill differences on the same Gens

    I believe a 2500 grille would fit, it has the same no-angle look on the downward slopes of the grille. Would double check though, dont take my word for fact just yet lol
  10. Jtblackram

    Windshield replacement OEM or Aftermarket??

    Bottom right (if inside, left if outside) corner of windshield its a little rams head in the shield on some of the newer trucks, i believe it originally came with 4th gens during a mid cycle refresh. Its a nice touch but i personally am not willing to cash out just for a little picture
  11. Jtblackram

    Windshield replacement OEM or Aftermarket??

    Havent driven with it yet but it looks solid, they didnt charge any bs fees or extra this and that Glass itself has a tint brow that OEM didnt have, looks much nicer than factory in my opinion Might i suggest NEVER using safelite, they were quoting me $25 just for “glass disposal” and almost...
  12. Jtblackram

    Windshield replacement OEM or Aftermarket??

    I found a place that would do 300 for aftermarket and they would come to my house, ill draw the ram logo on with sharpie if it makes it worth twice the price heheh. Will give updates as to how it looks once its in
  13. Jtblackram

    Windshield replacement OEM or Aftermarket??

    I have big cracks in my windshield from some rock chips, no shot i’ll pass inspection. Safelite quoted me 900 for oem glass to be put in and 450 for aftermarket. Leaning aftermarket as I doubt the OEM is double the quality of the aftermarket, but if anyone could weigh in on the quality of these...
  14. Jtblackram

    Post a Pic of Your Ram in its Spot

    Sport hood looks good man is that an option on the classics?
  15. Jtblackram

    What did you do with your 4th Gen this week?

    Thank you man! Took a while to get everything together but i think it was worth the wait