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      RamMan 1004 replied to the thread Dashboard Issues.
      Okay, here is the latest update and I hope this helps someone else out there that might run into this issue. I spoke to Ram Care and...
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      RamMan 1004 replied to the thread Dashboard Issues.
      Yeah, this should be something Dodge picks up as, again, truck garage kept so out of the sun and only has 15K miles. I barely drive the...
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      RamMan 1004 replied to the thread Dashboard Issues.
      Probably could but it's really more.the point of them not fixing the issue they already knew about that burns me. Especially when you...
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      RamMan 1004 replied to the thread Dashboard Issues.
      Yes, the leather on top of the dashboard is separating. I don't have a picture of that yet but will get one. No warranty left...
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      I have a 2020 fully loaded 1500 Limited which I am ashamed to state how much I paid for it. Now, I LOVE Rams as this is my 3rd one...
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