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      brmar reacted to jws123's post in the thread Cold start issues with Like Like.
      record and upload a vid of the next cold start.
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      brmar replied to the thread Cold start issues.
      sorry, apparently i only have one, but the noise at the end (ni-ni-ni-ni) will happen until i turn the key bak to off...
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      brmar replied to the thread Cold start issues.
      I have some from last winter. I'll upload in about a half hr
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      brmar reacted to turkeybird56's post in the thread Cold start issues with Like Like.
      My opinion only. The brick just supplying extra power to system. U r not trying to diagnose the brick just the truck systems. Brick not...
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      brmar replied to the thread Cold start issues.
      good observation. yes, i do. for what it's worth, it doesn't really sound like a fuel issue. there is a noticeable difference in how...
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      brmar reacted to jws123's post in the thread Cold start issues with Like Like.
      It sounds like you have the TIPM Fuel pump bypass since you said your fuel pump runs with key on. Maybe start there solder on a new...
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      brmar replied to the thread Cold start issues.
      thanks for that info. i'm almost certain grounds were checked when it was in for diagnosis previously but i will mention it again. just...
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      brmar reacted to turkeybird56's post in the thread Cold start issues with Like Like.
      Charging brick not the issue. I have a lithium power box never noticed current going to battery hot cable but Neva checked. Cable being...
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      brmar reacted to turkeybird56's post in the thread Cold start issues with Like Like.
      Check positive cable. See if real warm, or even hot to touch after cranking motor. Real warm or hot cable sign of Bad cable and/or...
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      brmar replied to the thread Cold start issues.
      not sure what you mean by getting hot. like to the touch? as for the cable - and sorry if this sounds dumb - but wouldn't the power...
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      brmar reacted to Dean2's post in the thread Cold start issues with Like Like.
      If it has been to your mechanic "at lest three times" and they haven't fixed it, time for a new mechanic. This really isn't that...
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      brmar reacted to turkeybird56's post in the thread Cold start issues with Like Like.
      Is the battery cable positive also getting hot when cranking? If so read below: Sure sign bad cable and/or starter drawing too many amps.
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      brmar reacted to turkeybird56's post in the thread Cold start issues with Like Like.
      As Dean2 Said. Time for new mechanic. It would help to know wat motor you have. There should be plastic cover on intake says, prob 4.7...
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      brmar replied to the thread Cold start issues.
      hi @turkeybird56 sorry about the engine size. its just freezing out and i didn't feel like looking to be sure. i used the vin to pull...
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      brmar replied to the thread Cold start issues.
      hi @Dean2 thanks for those helpful links. i would normally agree with your 'new mechanic' statement. however, he has been pretty good...
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