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    • B
      BTD33 replied to the thread 2017 6.4 139k miles.
      I decided to just change water pump last night despite 0 play in shaft, no overheating or any signs it was the pump. I played with each...
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      BTD33 reacted to Bigskyroadglide's post in the thread 2017 6.4 139k miles with Like Like.
      Piston slap. It will go away when engine warms up
    • B
      BTD33 replied to the thread 2017 6.4 139k miles.
      https://youtube.com/shorts/wGtjLIPH9ck?si=9RYOq1YZ7px9prMn Got it scheduled for Monday at shop, got to add in some nice grinding noise...
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      BTD33 reacted to jws123's post in the thread 2017 6.4 139k miles with Like Like.
      sorry to hear happens every now and then its not just ram tho.
    • B
      BTD33 replied to the thread 2017 6.4 139k miles.
      It does not, one of the few things I checked out. It has unfortunately been a POS. My cummins never had issue this thing is one after...
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      BTD33 reacted to Burla's post in the thread 2017 6.4 139k miles with Like Like.
      Yeah that totally matters, from reports on the board piston slap usually happens first start and below 40f. You will know tomorrow, the...
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      BTD33 reacted to Burla's post in the thread 2017 6.4 139k miles with Like Like.
      Should I also add the best fix to cold piston slap is a sump or engine block heater.
    • B
      BTD33 replied to the thread 2017 6.4 139k miles.
      Oil level is good and clean, I did not look at the bottle but they always have the parts house deliver it since they don’t stock it. So...
    • B
      I have a 17 6.4 with 139k miles, oil pressure, oil level and temps are all normal when driving/idling. Did a remote start this AM, it...
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