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      cer29072 replied to the thread What's going on?!?.
      Thanks Hardracer...I'm no Expert on all things electrical, but do have a good understanding of it; automotive being an exception :) I...
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      cer29072 replied to the thread What's going on?!?.
      Thanks Michael...in the grand scheme of things, a $20 load tester is pocket-change! :) At the very least, it'll point a finger or...
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      cer29072 replied to the thread What's going on?!?.
      What lead you to changing out the TIPM? When I had the truck down to change out the radiator and battery, I did jump the +/- leads out...
    • C
      A couple of lifetimes ago I work at a Ford dealer. Did most of the electrical problems since no one else wanted them. Had something...
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      cer29072 replied to the thread What's going on?!?.
      Thanks...I have cleaned/retightened all of the visible ground connections. Not saying that a new battery can't be bad, but it does have...
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      cer29072 replied to the thread What's going on?!?.
      Thanks...I'll clear out the codes again and let it 'cook' this week to see if there's any improvement.
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      cer29072 posted the thread What's going on?!? in Tech Info.
      After changing out the radiator, hoses, and belt on my daughter's 2013 Big Horn, she started getting a LOT of 'check engine' lights...
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