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    • Dissent
      I know this thread is old but the sagging could be due to the mounting brackets not being bent at the recommended 1 degree angle.
    • Dissent
      I just encountered this issue and I was so glad to find this ancient thread! Had to remove the piston top twice today to get it free...
    • Dissent
      late to the party on this one, but i had this issue and fixed it pretty simply by bending the cable attachment at the top with some...
    • Dissent
      I know this is an old post, but I figured I would post to help anyone who has this issue (I wish I had tried Slapshotz idea first). I...
    • Dissent
      Dissent replied to the thread Bed lighting and power outlet.
      Man, I read through the bed light installation guide, there's about 50 fasteners that need to come off to run that wire to the bed. :eek:
    • Dissent
      Dissent reacted to Wild one's post in the thread Bed Management with Like Like.
      I was just pointing out the differances in price between gouge and screw Canuck Amazon and Amazon US. I have a couple small cargo nets...
    • Dissent
      Dissent reacted to Mojo88's post in the thread mds with Like Like.
      Hmmmm, I'm not sure that is correct. I found this info about turning off MDS, they mentioned to turn it off in the tune, and then: "*...
    • Dissent
      Dissent reacted to Wild one's post in the thread mds with Like Like.
      Deleting MDS with HP doesn't disable VVT.If you unplugged the harness at the back of the intake that goes to the mds and vvt solenoids...
    • Dissent
      Dissent replied to the thread mds.
      I stand corrected, you are both spot on. I forgot about those folks who unplug the harness, that's what disables VVT and is a bad...
    • Dissent
      Dissent reacted to Curmudgeon's post in the thread Testament to proper rust prevention! with Like Like.
      I just searched for 'undercoating service' on Google and picked one of the closest with the highest ratings. Very happy. I chose the...
    • Dissent
      Silly question but where do you find a Krown, Woolwax or Fluid Film dealer/applicator? I moved from Phoenix AZ to Knoxville TN (East...
    • Dissent
      I have a Peragon cover I just installed last week. Their clamp and rail system accommodate factory bed caps, and when installed, the...
    • Dissent
      Dissent replied to the thread mds.
      EDIT: I suspect you mean to turn it off. For a quick and dirty solution, you'll need to do a simple tune using an HP Tuner with 2x...
    • Dissent
      Dissent replied to the thread 8 speed swap.
      Great thread guys, appreciate all the knowledge transfer here. I finally dropped a new motor in my 2013 Ram 1500 2WD Tradesman, secured...
    • Dissent
      Dissent reacted to DILLIGAF's post in the thread 8 speed swap with Like Like.
      First coat of fiberglass done. Now time to make a mount for my Air Lift gauge and controller in the empty spot. And the PPE pan just...
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