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      GeneM replied to the thread plugged heater core.
      Where is all the material coming from that's plugging it up?
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      GeneM replied to the thread plugged heater core.
      Holy cow how big of an issue is this with these trucks...... ugh :(
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      GeneM reacted to 62Blazer's post in the thread 6spd v 8spd trans?? with Like Like.
      Typical that transmissions have multiple "overdrives" now. Overdrive meaning a ratio that is higher (lower numerically) than 1.00:1, so...
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      GeneM replied to the thread Alfa obd help.
      That's great but one still needs an OBD reader to plug into the vehicle before it's of any value.. I'm just asking are there other OBD...
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      GeneM replied to the thread Alfa obd help.
      Well sure but if you want to use you're android phone vs buying a tablet or some other device then BT is the best option...
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      GeneM replied to the thread Alfa obd help.
      What other OBD devices work with AlphaOBD? That link MX is crazy pricey..
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      GeneM reacted to HEMIMANN's post in the thread 6spd v 8spd trans?? with Like Like.
      RFE's are straight forward. They're all the same. The bypass is nothing but an aluminum block with thru passages and connector ends...
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      GeneM reacted to SouthernBornRebel's post in the thread 6spd v 8spd trans?? with Haha Haha.
      2016 is better truck than 2019, 8sp better than 6sp........ so...............
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      GeneM replied to the thread Praises to RAM..
      This should really be pinned so folks can see this first when researching new truck purchases
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      GeneM reacted to buckeyexx's post in the thread 6spd v 8spd trans?? with Like Like.
      I would just swap out that valvebody and solenoid pack and call it good. Oh and delete the transmission thermostat add thermal bypass...
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      GeneM replied to the thread Praises to RAM..
      Time for a Hellephant crate motor.......?
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      GeneM posted the thread Praises to RAM. in General Discussions.
      OK so I got thinking that it's rare that folks come into a forum and discuss the highlights and praises they have for their rigs. Mostly...
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      GeneM reacted to Bigskyroadglide's post in the thread Returning to RAM.... with Like Like.
      I'd go 2500. New 5th gen got I6. Older 4th with 5.7 crapshoot. Newer 5th gen with 5.7 e-torque. 2500 = 6.4 My thoughts
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      GeneM reacted to tron67j's post in the thread 6spd v 8spd trans?? with Like Like.
      Maybe in the minority, but my 2500 6.4 6 SPD is a workhorse. I tow bobcats, tons of rock, heavy trailers all over the place and haven't...
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      GeneM replied to the thread 6spd v 8spd trans??.
      Actually I drove one of those before I drove this one. And yeah it is better but I don't know that I would say it's leaps and bounds...
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