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      Kevin Fowler replied to the thread My ol W250.
      I ordered the springs, once I get it all cleaned an broken down, I'll make a decision. Rather have them and return later if needed.
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      Kevin Fowler replied to the thread My ol W250.
      Just did a couple test spots with Por 15. Picture #1 - Light scuffing, wiped clean. Picture #2 & 3 - Taken down to bare metal. Picture...
      • 4ACD265D-4BD6-4490-8D35-E424C6F54D1A.jpg
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      Kevin Fowler replied to the thread My ol W250.
      https://www.carburetor-parts.com/quadrajet-carburetor-rebuild-kit-k4244 This appears to be the rebuild kit, just not sure what...
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      Kevin Fowler replied to the thread My ol W250.
      Actually heres some photos I took awhile ago.
      • IMG_7786.jpg
      • IMG_7779.jpg
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      Kevin Fowler replied to the thread My ol W250.
      I'll get out there in a little bit and see what it actually is.
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      Kevin Fowler replied to the thread My ol W250.
      Thanks! It is the factory carb.
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      Kevin Fowler replied to the thread My ol W250.
      Working on the frame the next couple days. I am looking for a new carb, gas tank float, and fuel pump. Any recommendations?
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