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    More etorque

    While downhill, is-it steep enough to give time to the motor to stop ?
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    2019 Ram - Replacing eTorque Alternator/Generator

    ℹ wanted to write 5thgenrams_com where the _ is really a . (dot) . It is tough to trust technology !
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    2019 Ram - Replacing eTorque Alternator/Generator

    ************** is the ********
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    2019 Ram - Replacing eTorque Alternator/Generator

    The world of website similar to ://**************/community/threads/etorque-issue.2375/page-9 ℹ remove the https before ://5thgenrams
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    2019 Ram - Replacing eTorque Alternator/Generator

    https://**************/community/threads/auto-start-stop-5-7-hemi-activating-before-complete-stop.43673/ Without login !
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    2019 Ram - Replacing eTorque Alternator/Generator

    Some more information : https://**************/community/threads/etorque-issue.2375/page-9
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    2019 Ram - Replacing eTorque Alternator/Generator Isn’t the generator/alternator part of the hybrid system ? Could Stellantis USA help pay for the repair being below 60 000 miles or 5 years ?
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    new guy eTorque input

    How much decreased ? Up to 10 % more mpg is optimistic but the help in gear ⚙️ changes while towing is worth some money . I also feel it is a learning process towards full electric ⚡️.
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    new guy eTorque input

    In city driving, isn’t it good to stop the motor while not moving in hot weather ? Idle does produce heat for low power. Also doesn’t etorque helps smooth gear changes ?
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    V6 towing Travel Trailer

    Also, is an engine transmission cooler upgrade necessary ? Example:
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    ‘21 5.7 E-Torque shuts off while driving

    Is-there a driver assistance on the truck ? It sounds as if a camera saw an object too close up front and stop the vehicle. Also mud or dirt on parking detectors could be a possibility. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    ETorque ? Anyone happy with it? Reliability ?

    So Mr Vall, did you choose the ETorque finally ?
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    ETorque ? Anyone happy with it? Reliability ?

    80,000 miles is a good ride to test a system !
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    Not happy! 2 weeks old.

    I did not read all the messages but I found a possible good read about TIPM: I wish you good service with the warranty.
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    ETorque ? Anyone happy with it? Reliability ?

    Did they give you an ok truck while waiting?
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    ETorque ? Anyone happy with it? Reliability ?

    Outside gas mileage, don’t you think the extra battery could be useful for electric power tools for a short time in a field ? I can start the engine but a bit less.
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    ETorque ? Anyone happy with it? Reliability ?

    Hi, I am curious. If the the ETorque is good solidstate electronics, isn’t that better than an alternator strap that can get muddy and damaged with time ?