Search results

  1. warlock23

    2021 RAM 1500 Classic... SLT or Warlock?

    I have a 2023 Classic Warlock but I receive mail from Chrysler and they refer to it as an SLT.
  2. warlock23

    Led light

    How do I clock and aim them, do I need to go to Dealer?
  3. warlock23

    2024 Warlock, interesting differences behind grill

    I have a 2023 Warlock with same light and would like to upgrade to LED for my headlights and the back up lights Question : what brand are the lights you used and were did you purchase them Thank you
  4. warlock23

    Led light

    No I don't
  5. warlock23

    Led light

    I have a 2923 Ram Classic Warlock V6 4 doors with Projector Headlights. Does anybody could recommand led lights for the High and low beams , that don't flicker and are reconized on my truck's computer's module. Thank you
  6. warlock23

    Warlock LED bulbs

    I have a 2023 Warlock V6 crew cab and change the light to licence plate map, dome,vanity mirror with 194 led...
  7. warlock23

    Steering wheel “sticking” on long sweeping left turns

    I bought a new in 2018 a Ram classic, and I had this same problem in 2021 I spray WD40 and later on oil on theU-joint of the shaft and had no more issue with it, since then I traded the truck in June 2024, I have a nephew that works at a dealership and told me that they have replaced a lot of...
  8. warlock23

    glove box light

    I found the wiring but it is a 3 prong connector only 2 wires and doesn't fit the switch . I'll send a pic tomorrow