Junior Member
The screen in my radio has started going out. When the backup camera comes on, it washes out to the point that you can't see anything on the screen. When the radio info is displayed, it is very light, but still readable most of the time. The touchscreen functions still work. I looked for a replacement radio, but most units were $500 or more. I managed to find an RBZ unit for a reasonable price, but I'm afraid it won't function the same as my RHB. I will have to pay the dealer to flash the replacement unit to my truck ($150 minimum) as well as transfer my SiriusXM to the new radio, both of which I would really rather not do because there always seems to be problems with that kind of stuff. So I have two questions: 1) Has anyone replaced the screen on their radio, and 2) Is there a YouTube or other website that will walk me through the steps? I haven't been able to find anything that would tell me how to do it. I have all of the tools and equipment to do electronic work, just don't have the reference material to show the steps. I don't want to blindly tear into either radio trying to figure it out on my own. Thanks in advance!