there are 3 main actuators & then a 4th actuator that allows Outside air or Cab recirculation Air
Both supply AIR.
Then if you remove the Lower Glove compartment
There are 2 things to look at
The first is the
Cabin Air Filter, you remove the door & pull the cabin air filter out.
Replace it with something like a
Fram Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filter
that will allow better Air Flow
Now just to the left of the blower motor, which is very close to the CAF.
There is the BLEND Door Actuator
On the Right side of that actuator, you should see a White, or possibly Black Plastic lever that moves when you work the Climate Controls
This guy does not know his Right From his Left
Quick video on replacing the driver's side blend door actuator. If your heat is cold on the driver's side but hot on the passenger's side, this might be your...
That Lever moves a DOOR inside the box
If that inner door does not move, your AIR will not move where you want it to
Every actuator, works that same way
There are 2 more actuators almost directly in back of the HVAC Control Panel
They move the Air flow to Defrost, Floor, Vents