I'm back with a few more questions and I flipping hate technology that I'm no familiar with
1 set of bulbs (sealight) are here. Following member Ramrods direction I ordered the USB version,
OBDlink SX which should be here tomorrow.
My plan was to use my laptop but in order to do so It will have to be disconnected from the i/net.
Not knowing if this would be an issue I emailed AlphaOBD's distributor. they called back and encouraged me to use my Cell and THEIR bluetooth device
LINKY as it was more user friendly.
The issues are I am not overly familiar with cell phones and I have mild tremors which makes it much harder to use the cell.
My thought was to buy the program, put it on the laptop, disconnect from the net, hook the laptop up to the truck with the above cable.
First make a copy of the existing settings saving it to a file on the computer (Hopefully that's easy). I can't save it to google drive until I'm able to reconnect. Proceed to try and make the needed changes for the lights.
Does this make sense or am I setting myself up ?
The person I spoke with really pushed using the cell which I might be tempted to try but I do not have their recommended device and they are in Canada (2 weeks shipping?). I am not sure if another would work or if I should just try the laptop. I'd really like to get this behind me.
Sorry for being so uninformed with this technology

thanks for any help