Well, undid the bleeder screw, filled her up with coolant, closed the bleeder, topped her off, kicked the heat to high and let her rip.
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Took FOREVER to get near 203°, and my top hose was dead cold. Wasn't paying attention, and noticed my funnel was about to overflow. Shut her off.....
Too late.
Overflowed a little bit. Great. Was trying to be careful. Ed luck. I didn't think the OE stat was ever gonna open, then the top hose got hot. Took a while to get were it seemed like all the air was out.
Noticed when I'd see the bubbles come up in the funnel, my evic would be reading 206°. Not sure if the sensor might be weak or what.
My condenser fan seems like it runs ok as well, and I did see the temp drop to 195° as well, so it looks ok.
Gonna take her for a spin, maybe later.
Thank you to everyone for the advice and moral support.