I considered posting a picture of the enter key in response to a wall o' text recently but thought better of it. I get we aren't writing in a peer reviewed journal, but basic formatting to make something readable sure seems like a good idea regardless.
I do not think they even teach basic English anymore. HECK, they do not even teach "Cursive" handwriting anymore. I had a person that did a "statement" that needed to be signed. Of course this very intelligent fellow "printed" his entire statement, he was like 19 yoa. When it came time to "sign" the statement, I told him, plus other required verbiage to "sign" here. He says: I do not know how to sign my name, he only knew HOW to print. I bout lost my mind. I had to round up several witnesses to sign on to validate the statement.
ADDED: So I am thinking, how do you sign a contract, check, etc.,. but then of course I remembered:
1) Schools not teach anything needed anymore, maybe except Basket Weaving.
2) Handwriting definitely not taught.
3) This current generation is lost in their identity, or lack of identity.
4) With all the "Electronic" signature stuff, who signs their name?
5) I haven't seen a kid lately that could do any Math in their head, even basic stuff. Without their phone, computer screen wateva, they were friggin lost.
6) Me thinks as a Country and Society we in BIG TROUBLE.
7) With AI, how do you know you are even conversing with another person? (FTR I TURN off all the AI junk on my phone)
All of the above IMHO only.
CAVEAT: BOIRD rant completed.