Every 2009 - 2018 plus other Ram DS Classic models
With the Lower Glove Compartment Removed
If your Ram was built after January 2016, it came with a Cabin Air Filter,
It could be very dirty, Remove the CAF Door & pull the Filter out
you should notice the BLEND DOOR ACTUATOR, just to the left of the HVAC Fan
First, operate the HVAC Controls & watch the Actuator, on the right side of the actuator, Do you see Movement ? Does the White thing move up & down ?
Just make one more check,
take the 2 screws out of the actuator.
Then grab the White thing with your thumb & finger,
Do not use major force, but turn the lever Up & Down
You should HEAR the Door inside the box, when it hits the furthest UP & Down Positions, like a THUMP in each position.
Now you can remove the surround around the Radio
There are plenty of YouTube Videos on either type of Console your Ram has
There are 2 more actuators below the HVAC Controls
Follow the Actuator & Door Instructions as written above
IF you do hear that Thump, that means that the door inside is working as Designed
If the Actuator did move the White Lever, it is working as designed.
While you are doing this, check your FAN for a change in Speed, using the HVAC Controls.
i hope that i covered it correctly, it is almost 2 AM & i am a bit tired