Update, I took that head with the scratch to a Performance shop locally, I won’t mention the full name just in case someday this thread is found with a google search using his name, he is a mechanic about 51 years old, super busy, not a high performance shop or machine shop but I know he’s rebuilt many engines and runs a very successful business, anyways, he said I had nothing to worry about with the scratch. Me being me, analyzing everything to death I took it to another local mechanic, this fellow is about 65 years old, runs a small auto repair shop that is nearing the end, him and his worker were just sitting in there enjoying their coffee, I had him look at it and he said he would have the heads resurfaced, he was poking at other spots saying hmmm, hmmmm. Something about heat making it worse, I should have really had my listening ears on. He recommended Crysler Automotive center
High Performance Engines and Racing Parts. Proud Member of the AERA! Engine Rebuilders Association Complete Brake Service - Machining car and truck drums and discs. Flywheel Service - Resurfacing.
I was talking with Darryn at Crysler machine shop and he said those heads should be resurfaced every time, something to do with the gaskets that are used now, again should have been listening better. The old gaskets I guess you could get away with more. Anyways Darryl quoted me 125.00 per head to deck or resurface, whatever it should be called. 150.00 per head with a leak down test or whatever he called it to test the valve’s, the seats I’m assuming? And 75.00 per manifold to deck them or if I have him do the resurface/test valves/and deck the manifolds 175.00 per head total. How does that pricing sound to you? Is he being fair, or does he know I’m a Noob and over pricing? So here’s what I’m thinking, I’m thinking learning is great, I’ve been trying to learn about engines for the past 3 years or so, rebuilding a couple snowmobile engines and such with SeaDoo’s as well but I’m thinking now is not the time to start experimenting with decking the heads myself on a vehicle I rely on for work and paid 34,000.00 for. It’s great to learn new skills and I would definitely at some point try resurfacing a cylinder head or block but I’m thinking better to try that on a 600.00 project. Oh, he said turnaround is 2 to 3 days. Can’t beat that. Another thing I’ve noticed is RA is out of stock for almost all the left bank exhaust manifold gaskets, only the cheapies are available. The exhaust manifold heat shield is a little worse for wear as well so might as well replace that. I see the new exhaust manifold hardware comes with red thread locker already applied to the studs. Any tips for removing the existing studs without breaking them off? Red loctire normally requires heat to remove and I don’t think it would be a good idea at all to add heat to get them out for fear of warping the head