Just adding this info in case someone in the future finds it useful.
I got the two CalorStat 192* thermostats that I ordered from Rock Auto.
The box says "made in France".
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The most accurate temp probe I have is the remote probe on my Innova 3340 Pro multimeter, so I used it to continuously monitor the water temp when I tested them.
I put them both in a pot of warm water next to each other and turned on the heat. At about 191.5* they both started to open at exactly the same time, and took about 25 seconds to fully open. At the point they were both fully open, I turned off the heat and monitored them while the water cooled.
They both stayed fully open until about 192*, then both started very slowly closing as the water cooled. Both were fully closed by 170*.
So, I installed it in my truck and went for a 15 to 20ish mile driven while monitoring the temp on my Evic. It went up to 195 pretty quick, then when the thermostat opened, it dropped down to 190. After a few miles it stabelized on 192* and stayed there:
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