Man! You guys are moving at light speed! That'll teach me the perils of getting busy and going AWOL for a couple of days!
I was thinking of the idea of just eliminating the whole heat exchanger thingy and doing the required re-plumbing to put the rectangular block in service that the HD truck use. Looks like Wild one has pretty much accomplished that by using half of the Thermal dingus to secure the o-ring tubes into the Tranny by plugging the radiator coolant openings. Great work guys, I am sponging it all in for when my warranty has gone by-by.
This can all be done basically for free,lol. 5/16" X 18 NC set screws are a virtual perfect fit for the fluid bypass holes after you tap them,i didn't even drill the holes,just ran a tap through them.If you pull the pipe plug out and the plug for the thermostat,it's wide open internally to blow all the shavings out from running a tap through the bypass holes,then JB Weld the set screws in place,loop the coolant hoses together either on top of the tranny,or at the engine,and just re-install the fluid part of the thermal unit,and toss the bulky heat exchanger into storage,or into your recycle bin if you don't want it laying around,peeing you off,lol. The hardest part of the job is getting at the heater hoses on top of the thermal unit,i ended up unbolting the tranny crossmember and driveshaft then used a floor jack under the transfer case to drop the tranny down slightly to have enough room to get at the hoses.You might be able to do it with-out dropping the tranny,but for all it takes to pull the 4 bolts out of the crossmember ,i found that to be the easiest way to get at the hoses.To remove the tranny fluid lines,you need to pop the small white plastic caps up and off the circlips,then use a small pick to pull the circlips holding the cooler lines into the thermal unit,and the cooler lines just pop up and out of the thermal unit.Hang onto the circlips,as they might want to fly off on a tangent and are small enough to be hard to find if they do,ask me how i know,lol. I did it over 2 evenings,just to let the JB Weld some time to set up,but if you used pipe dope/sealant on the set screws you could do it easy in a couple hours. Once the unit is dis-assembled i just used my old syphon wash gun and some gas to wash it up,then blew it out really good to get rid of any traces of gas.A varsol tank would do the same thing,but i don't have one,so it was gas and the good ole syphon wash gun hooked to my compressor,yea i know the redneck way to clean things,but that's me,lol