Junior Member
Please tell me what info y'all need from me to help me out!? I took my sound system out of my F-150 and put it in my new ram and it sounded terrible! So I bought all new equipment. And it still won't go loud as the f150 without clipping I've tried 3 different brand new headunits. The pioneer nex10" and a JVC kw875bw and I forgot the third one
.. also tried kicker cvt 12's tried shallow skar and now I have a set of 12" CT sounds hydro subs all bought brand new. Still no better so I went back to the factory headunit. And used an LC2 lineout/line driver. And still clips when I tune the gain at the amp I'm talking even 2 notches barely %15 gain and it clips (clipmeter light) bass boost subsonic hpf lpf all set to zero. Even when I did try to adjust them it didn't help any. I have a 1200.1D taramps 1ohm amp two CT sounds hydro shallow 12's wired to 1 ohm 500rms apeice on 4guage power and ground (the taramps amp takes and recommends 4 guage) And I've done over 15 builds for myself thru the years and have never had a vehicle's lights to dim this damn ram headlights dim every damn bass note! And I've had waaay more power on stock wiring and alternator be4 in past vehicles only had to do a H.O. alternator and 2nd battery on a four Memphis mojo set up one time.