You are thinking about pulling the lifters with no misfire, if so please dont lets talk. If it is hot and you tow, like tj said 5w40 redline, with even a 15w40 redline as an option, but lets shelf that for now. In the end, TJ is on point, really 5w30 or 5w40 redline is their best two oils for this proven by guys like tj and hemif395 and U$A and others. 5w30 red;line is thicker then Mopar pup 0w40 for most of the interval, it is the closest oil to hemi spec. So to verify, 500 miles after an oil change = no tick, but then it ticks? If so kinda good news, I would expect the redline strategy to work, but keep in mind sometimes out of the gate it wont, not to worry science of EP additives. Before we get off in weeds, make your move. How about filters, very important with these hemi's, fram endurance fe2, or fram ultra xg2, and a newer option puro boss i'm sure someone can hook you up with the number if you want that. the RP 20-820 is hard to find, many of us that is first choice, maybe in the future they will stock it.