more likely they got banned, lol.
Those dudes were good as gold though, you cant buy information like they had as a collective. It's kind of like fight club, so I wont talk about fight club due to the first rule, but hopefully they are still fighting.
If I could only speak now in true detail of back in the day when we had a full on Kumite pit in the living room of our old high-school communal living home.
I was fortunate enough to have a room in a home in Sr high-school where me and four others shared a HUGE country place on Hwy 45 outside of Cobourg.... our literal entertainment EVERY WEEKEND was having an open pit (central living room the size of a boxing ring that was sunken into the space...almost like it was planned to be a sparring pit by the previous where we would put on the gloves and make it happen!!
When a person was down (and man-o-man.. we also had some amazing girl-on-girl bouts, too....) it was ended... but the only rules were gloves on and no kicking and/or cheap shots until the person was down, and then it was over, period!!!!!
Many friends and enemies were made and broke in that arena..... frig............. I lost a tooth and got hammered by several in that ring... and dealt equal hurt, too!!! IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Afterward... we drank and got ELEVATED... shook hands, laughed, and carried on!
EDIT ** - if only the youth of today had this type of opportunity to release and grow... our current world would be a better place...IMHO!!
Double EDIT***
Our front door mat said:
We Don't Call The Police Here
(With a Pic of Two Smith & Wesson Pistols Crossed)
Now, if any of Y'all have any believe in next level encounters....
This home was the final stop for Soldiers, wayyyy back in the day, where they would come to their peace after battle in the real war....
In the basement was a GIANT crematory where they would be sent to the next life, and their remains scattered on the 45-acres of the property, and by the stream, too.... (documented!)
You all have no idea of what was experienced by us tenants, stone cold sober there, on many levels, over the years there!
The focus here and now is on us all fighting the good fight for our freedoms
