Senior Member
Congrats! Nice looking truck.
As for the add-ons it is illegal to make you pay for them (even if they already installed them). This violates federal (Sherman Anti-Trust Act) and state anti-trust laws which state that you can't make someone purchase a product on the premise that they have to purchase specific goods or services (aka dealer add-ons).
They will usually push back if you question it by saying that "it's already on the vehicle" but that's just a tactic. They are only doing what they are trained/told to do so they might not even know that it's illegal.
I just bought a couple of vehicles a month ago and was faced with the same thing. After a couple of back-and-forths I told the salesperson that I am more than happy to discuss the illegal practice with the sales manager and pursue this in court. They "discounted" the cost of the add-ons from the vehicle price to show that I purchased them. I told them whatever they want to do with their paperwork as long as it's the correct dollar amount on the bottom line. Seriously, $450 for the NitroFill program??!?!?!
If I had known that Saturday, I would've called them out on it. Good to know for next time. The only add on they were willing to remove was a $1300 digital license plate frame. Still scratching my head on who would want that for $1300.
The other add ons:
Star Guard - Satelite tracking. Similar to Lojack, but you don't have to pay a subscription fee. I've never had a vehicle stolen, but I'm in socal. So if it was stolen, it would likely be in Mexico after about 90 minutes. I know of people that have tracked their Jeep's to the border and the police wouldn't do a damn thing.
Pulsing Brake light - I think this was $700. IIRC, if you tap the brake, it's supposed to make the brake light flash for a certain time period. Um, so what?? Also not something I want to pay for.
Don't recall what else, but it made me walk out pissed. Also soured my opinion of that dealer which is pretty close to my house. Won't be using them for service. Bought a 2012 Jeep from them too.
The dealer I bought from: There is an alarm system supposedly installed on my truck. They offer it to you (I refused) so they deactivated it. Didn't even push it very hard.