Most of the information is to counteract the guys who swear MDS is the cause of lifter issues Mike,when it has nothing to do with the cam issues. Personally i think 90% of the issues are because they used to soft a cam,not mds as most guys claim. I'm also a firm believer what ever the average owner can do to mininiumize the oiling issue is a good thing,and running with the mds disabled probably isn't the best way to do things. What the video's miss is the lifter body should be a mini pump everytime it goes up and down the lobe,and should actually drip more oil,how much of that oil actually makes it onto the roller will be tough to document,but the more pressure in the lifter galleries feeding the lifter body,the odds of more oil being pushed past the lifter body under a wee bit of pressure to where it might make it onto the roller probably doesn't hurt. Hoover knew there'd be cam issues when he redesigned the block for vvt,and spec'd a billet cam,which would of probably took care of 99% of the issue,but the bean counters took care of that idea when they went with a cast core cam. Once you go to a billet cam,you don't usually have anymore issues with the cam.
I think the stupidest thing they did was move the cam tunnel farther away from the crank and stick the vvt tunnel under it,hell they had to come up with new block cores ,so why not put the vvt tunnel above the cam,and keep the cam closer to the crank,and wide open to recieve all the oil flung off the crank,but oh-no Hoover had to design a valvetrain capable of 8,000 rpm.That's the problem with bringing a retired race engineer back in to design the block,they should of left him at home enjoying retirement in my opinion. I have alot of respect for Hoovers abilities as a race engineer,not so much for his abilities at designing an engine for the average everyday owner who's never gonna race their vehicle,or take it above the factory set 5600 rpm cut off point. To me a little common sense would of had the tunnel above the cam,not below the cam,anybody with an eye and a s s hole would be able to tell blocking the crank splash and moving the cam farther away from the crank isn't the smartest way to design a block,but what do i know,lol