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    • corneileous
      corneileous reacted to BWL's post in the thread POS Air Ride Suspension with Like Like.
      Well on the bright side it's been sitting almost a week now with no fuse in the compressor and it hasn't moved so no noteable leaks. I...
    • corneileous
      corneileous replied to the thread POS Air Ride Suspension.
      I really don’t even understand why they put something like that on a supposed to be sealed up system. I mean, I could kinda understand...
    • corneileous
      corneileous replied to the thread POS Air Ride Suspension.
      I get it, to basically throw on even a watered down but still reliable version of say, a Kelderman air ride system would cost far more...
    • corneileous
      corneileous reacted to Jeepwalker's post in the thread POS Air Ride Suspension with Like Like.
      That would be nice. However, the system is both simple and complex at the same time. And that is its Achille's heel. It would be almost...
    • corneileous
      corneileous replied to the thread POS Air Ride Suspension.
      You know, after reading all this stuff like this over the years, it really aggravates me that when a truck manufacturer decides to put...
    • corneileous
      corneileous reacted to bitdrive's post in the thread POS Air Ride Suspension with Like Like.
      Yes sir. My NTM 2015 Ram I bought 18 months ago lasted one winter. Come summertime this year I pulled out the air system and went...
    • corneileous
      corneileous replied to the thread POS Air Ride Suspension.
      I probably should know this, but you do have the same lifetime warranty I’ve got, don’t you? I mean, if so, why are they jacking you...
    • corneileous
      corneileous reacted to BWL's post in the thread POS Air Ride Suspension with Like Like.
      Still under warranty, but yeah I'll have to go out of pocket to remove it eventually so sooner than later might be better. At least for...
    • corneileous
      corneileous replied to the thread POS Air Ride Suspension.
      Man, you might just wanna cut your losses and get you a kit from that website and just make it spring ride. That’s...
    • corneileous
      corneileous reacted to HEMIMANN's post in the thread Synthetic Oil with Like Like.
      Sorry I meant to say I use PUP in all other gasoline auto engines EXCEPT the Hemi, which is still getting Red Line 5W-30 summer 0W-30...
    • corneileous
      corneileous reacted to crash68's post in the thread AC problems on my 2014 Pete 384. with Like Like.
      What could cause this would be a restriction in the refrigeration system, hence why they tried changing the expansion valve. If someone...
    • corneileous
      corneileous replied to the thread Synthetic Oil.
      So what group is full synthetic? But you use PUP now? Are you not using redline anymore? But that's kind of sad about what you said...
    • corneileous
      I'm really not sure what all they did but what do you mean when you say if it was bad valves in the compressor, the pressures not being...
    • corneileous
      Anybody?? Well, over the weekend, they replaced the expansion valve and uh, that wasn't it.
    • corneileous
      corneileous replied to the thread Synthetic Oil.
      Hey all oil gurus... What engine oils are a true, full synthetic? Are there any? I'm assuming there are being that Ive heard that over...
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