RamForum.com Site Rules

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Out Exploring Arizona
Supporting Member
Dec 26, 2011
Reaction score
Please follow these rules of our board and we all should get along nicely here. READ THEM CAREFULLY!!

General Access Requirements & Rule Violations:

  • Access to the forum is a privilege, not a right, and access is contingent upon abiding with the rules.
  • Repeated violations of the rules stated here will not be tolerated and your forum posting privileges will be revoked. You will receive a warning regarding a rule violation and if the behavior continues, you will be banned from the forum for a period of seven (7) days. If you violate these rules following expiration of the temporary ban you will be permanently banned from RamForum.
  • Access to the entire site will be granted after thirty (30) days of membership and one hundred (100) posts.
  • Access to the For Sale/Wanted to Buy section will be granted after thirty (30) days of membership and hundred (100) posts. Immediate access to that section will be granted to any registered user if they become a Supporting Member. Contact an Administrator, whose username will be in red, for help.
Site Rules:

1. No nudity or p o r n o g r a p h y will be tolerated. Images or links like this will be deleted without warning and warnings/infractions/suspensions will be coming.

2. No pictures/videos of dead or dismembered animals/people at all. This also includes no animal abuse image and/or videos. Images/Videos like this will be deleted without warning. Warnings and suspensions will be coming.

3. No racial slurs, comments, jokes, etc. This includes homosexual, LGBT and similar comments. Such references will be immediately deleted. Warnings and suspensions will be coming.

4. No serious bashing of other members or the member's family. If it's out of fun, that's fine. If you really have a problem with someone, report it to admin/super mod or try to resolve it through Private Messages. Do not take it to the public boards or both parties will receive a warning. If the activity continues in the open forum both parties will receive suspensions.

5. Please keep all posts related to the original poster's (OPs) thread topic and all threads in appropriate sections. This will help keep the forum better organized, more informative and enjoyable. Break this rule and you WILL be getting a warning. Repeat it, you will be suspended.

6. To advertise or sell commercially on the forum you must be a Preferred Vendor. Screen names and signatures with business names and/or links in them will be edited upon arrival, and post will be deleted as spam.

7. We allow cussing here on these boards, but in moderation. We do NOT allow you to post a cuss word in a post topic. Profanity is not allowed and will be removed by staff with a warning to the member.

8. NO references or linking to other forums or Facebook groups unless it is a forum operating under the FullyDriven.com network. Promotion of YouTube channels, affiliate links, fund raising and similar sites is not allowed.

9. Username changes will be accommodated. If you wish to have your Username changed send a PM to an Administrator whose username will be in red.

10. Political opinions and views are an extremely touchy subject. To keep keep RamForum a drama free environment, we will remove posts pertaining to political topics, views, and or opinions. If a member persists in posting political content, warnings and suspensions will be coming.

11. Religious subjects, representations, intolerance or other religious material will be removed immediately.

12. If you wouldn't want your boss, child, or mother to read it, DON'T POST IT.

13. Not everybody has the same tastes in mods, setups, looks, etc. Intentional posts mocking, bashing, or making fun of something just because you don't like it or don't agree with it will not be tolerated whether it is directed at a member or not.

14. Group Buys - Only RamForum vendors are allowed to run, set up and maintain group buys / group purchases.

15. Only one (1) account allowed per person. Any duplicate accounts will be closed.

16. Duplicate threads or posts in multiple areas of the forum will be deleted.

17. Bypassing the site's automatic censorship rules by adding spaces, punctuation, or other characters is not allowed. If there is a legitimate reason to remove a word or phrase from the censorship database, message a staff member and we will remedy it.

When you registered here at RamForum.com you agreed to the forum rules.

These rules may/will be changed or added to without notice. It is recommended that members check back here every so often so you can be up to date on the rules and can stay out of trouble.

These rules are VERY Simple. We take these rules seriously, so please follow them and we will have a good time here RamForum.com.

Thanks everyone.

-RamForum.com Staff
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Out Exploring Arizona
Supporting Member
Dec 26, 2011
Reaction score
RamForum.com For Sale, Trade & Wanted To Buy Posting Rules

RamForum.com works hard to insure that all For Sale, Trade or Wanted To Buy items posted here are legitimate. In order to do all we can to protect our members, the following rules apply to all for sale, trade or wanted to buy threads posted here.
  • All For Sale, Trade or Wanted To Buy threads must be posted in that section. All posts or threads offering items for sale, for trade or wanted to buy item in other sections of the forum will be deleted.
  • Access to the For Sale/Wanted to Buy section will be granted after thirty (30) days of membership and hundred (100) posts. You may shorten both requirements by becoming a Supporting Member. Be advised that it may take a day or so for the system to update your User Profile to log your registration time, your post count and grant access. The same amount of time for the system to log your User Profile with Supporting Member status will apply.
  • RamForum.com is not liable for your transaction in any way so buy and sell at your own risk.
  • As some of you have seen or have experienced, there are certain scams/scammers that have passed through RamForum and we offer the following advice with respects to buying and selling on this forum:
  • You should NEVER use wire transfers, Western Union etc .. to pay for an item.
  • It is recommended that you use PayPal or your own credit card to protect your right to dispute a payment or conduct the transaction face to face. Do NOT use PayPal family and friends. If you are scammed PayPal can't help you with a payment made on that basis. Let the Seller know they will either have to eat the PayPal fee or you can negotiate a final price with them.
  • If you don’t feel comfortable report the advertisement and the staff will look into the matter.
  • If you have reason to believe you have been scammed by a seller here you should report the thread to forum staff. Be advised that the RamForum Owners and Staff will not take any action whatsoever on your behalf to mitigate your loss or prosecute any action against the Seller. At Staff’s discretion, other posts by the Seller may be removed from the forum to mitigate potential future losses.
  • Do not post gun sales, ammo, gun parts , stolen equipment , etc ... they will be instantly removed.
  • To post a For Sale thread, a price must be added to each item. Do not post a "feeler" thread. The item is either for sale or it isn’t. Also, items should be ready for immediate sale. This is not eBay where your feeler turns into an auction where the item is sold to the highest bidder. All feeler threads will be removed and a PM will be sent to the member who posted it.
  • A picture of the actual item, or items, offered for sale is required. Pictures must be posted in the thread at the original time of the thread and not added at a later time.
  • An actual sign in the form of a sheet of paper with the date, your forum username and the forum name is required and should be shown next to the item in the picture. A Photo-shopped addition of the sign to an existing picture is NOT allowed. It must be a physical sign created by you and placed on or near the item. Here is an example of a proper advertisement and sign:
<Sample For Sale Ad>

I have a log of Grizzly for sale, new in the package. Price is $20 plus shipping or meet face to face.

Ram Forum Sample Ad Pic.jpg

If you have multiple pictures of the same item at least one picture must display the sign.

  • The For Sale section is for members to sell no longer needed or wanted truck parts or goods removed from their own vehicles. It is not intended to be used for a self-designed, manufactured or fabricated part or for the resale of purchased or traded parts on a repetitive basis.
  • You must create For Sale thread for your own items. No tagging on to existing threads made by others will be allowed.
  • Further, no services may be offered up for sale in this section. If you are interested in selling goods or services on a repetitive basis you will need to be a Preferred Vendor on this site. Contact a site Administrator for additional information on becoming a Preferred Vendor here at RamForum.com.
  • Group Buys by individual members are not permitted. Preferred Vendors can conduct group buys and should be contacted if a group buy is desired.
  • No links to your eBay, FB Marketplace or Craigslist posts are allowed. You must populate your thread here with all the information regarding your item with no references to other selling sites.
  • No price policing allowed, i.e., posting up other internet pricing or advising the seller that a better price is available. Leave it to the seller and potential buyers will negotiate the final price.
  • Once your item has been sold, traded or is otherwise withdrawn, please note that in your thread. Staff will close the thread.
  • Any thread in this section has been inactive for six (6) months or more will be closed. If you want your thread re-opened, send a PM to one of the staff members for action.
  • Any thread posted in this section that violates any of these rules or does not meet the requirements will be removed. A notice will be sent to the member regarding the rules and what portion of the thread must be revised. Once corrected, the member may re-post their thread.
  • *** If/when your item sells, please edit your thread title with the word SOLD ***.
If you are unsure regarding any portion of the rules, it is best to PM a staff member regarding your questions or concerns.

Thank you.

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Out Exploring Arizona
Supporting Member
Dec 26, 2011
Reaction score
A reminder - Read The Rules.


Staff member
Supporting Member
Jul 17, 2017
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Chandler, AZ
Ram Year
Bump for new rules
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