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      etuke replied to the thread rear diff.
      well seems a bottle of friction modifier has fixed my issue,havent heard the noise since I put it in.Hope the axle locks two wheels as...
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      etuke replied to the thread backing plates.
      here is what I found,the 2014 loaded backing plate 4779823AC are the same part # for the 2015 ram so you would think the backing plate...
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      etuke posted the thread backing plates in Wheels and Brakes.
      Have a 2014 ram and was looking at replacing the parking backing plates in the near future as they are starting to get soft.I cannot...
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      etuke replied to the thread rear diff.
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      etuke replied to the thread 2014 ram w/8speed trans.
      141000 kms
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      etuke replied to the thread rear diff.
      very informative video,thanks I get a rumble from turns under load (intersections or turning uphill while giving gas)from the inside...
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      etuke replied to the thread rear diff.
      wa was a plan for later but tonight I pulled the fill plug and the diff stopped at the point where i could partially see the spider...
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      etuke replied to the thread rear diff.
      just did another search on mopar.com and they tell me its a 3.92 anti slip.All the other things they list are correct to so I'm inclined...
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      etuke replied to the thread rear diff.
      just looked up my vin online and it says I have 3.21 rear axle.Is this wrong,I know these online vin lookups arent always accurate.
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      etuke replied to the thread 2014 ram w/8speed trans.
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      etuke replied to the thread rear diff.
      Allright did some testing today 1st--jacked the truck up both sides in park and spun the drivers tire and with very little...
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      etuke replied to the thread rear diff.
      was thinking of dropping the pan and having a look.If the C-clip drops out the side axle should fall out also am I right?The problem I'm...
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      etuke replied to the thread rear diff.
      does yours make noises on turns with acceleration?More noticable when turning to go up hill.
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      etuke posted the thread rear diff in General Discussions.
      Was there any offerings from dodge for a locking rear diff in the 2014 outdoorsman? Just bought this truck and from the get go I noticed...
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      etuke replied to the thread 2014 ram w/8speed trans.
      I take all the helpful comments with gratitude,thank you.another question as to the trans learning shifting patterns.If I use the manual...
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