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      mtofell replied to the thread Factory new 6.4.
      Good question.... it's been a minute since the 6.4 was put into these trucks. I got one of the first in my area back in spring of 2014...
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      You'll also need a can of Know-How from NAPA, and a tub of elbow grease...
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      Dreading ever getting a new vehicle. I thought PITA stuff like this only came at me from my cell phone, laptop and TV. No more peace...
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      mtofell replied to the thread Diesel back to gas?.
      Aside from reliability, turbos can have some other things that are a PITA. I bought a Hyundai Tucson for a company delivery vehicle...
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      mtofell reacted to 62Blazer's post in the thread mpg dropping with Like Like.
      Are you 100% sure your driving conditions did not change? Obviously if you drive a lot of freeway miles the MPG typically goes up, and...
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      mtofell reacted to Sherman Bird's post in the thread 30,000 mile service? with Like Like.
      I hear you! (figuratively)... That manual cannot possibly cover all scenarios; it is a generic guide. Subjective terms such as "Severe...
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      mtofell replied to the thread Diesel back to gas?.
      I went from a Duramax diesel into my current gasser Ram and, of course, grade braking with the diesel is superior but the Hemi is pretty...
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      mtofell replied to the thread 30,000 mile service?.
      In this case follow the manual to the letter if you expect to be covered. The instant you file a claim (with any insurance these days)...
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      mtofell replied to the thread mpg dropping.
      I've had essentially the same truck as OP for 10+ years and can tell you the MPGs vary greatly depending on speed, driving conditions...
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      mtofell reacted to Cfent3111's post in the thread 2019 6.4L towing help with Like Like.
      Thanks everyone! That is kinda what I figured…looking at smaller rigs now!
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      mtofell replied to the thread Diesel back to gas?.
      A lot depends on the weight you're pulling and how often - does the truck get used a lot not towing? Or, is it just a constant...
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      mtofell replied to the thread 30,000 mile service?.
      I agree with the others - follow the manual. The service schedules really aren't that bad. Modern fluids make for some very long...
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      mtofell reacted to Docwagon1776's post in the thread 30,000 mile service? with Like Like.
      Look in your owner's manual. See the service schedule for your use type (regular or 'heavy'). Do that, preferably yourself. Then you...
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      mtofell reacted to Sherman Bird's post in the thread 30,000 mile service? with Like Like.
      "Powertrain inspection" is the long version of "Check Engine". At least there is a Check Engine light for that one! Raise the hood, and...
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      mtofell reacted to skates15's post in the thread 30,000 mile service? with Like Like.
      Check the manual.
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