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      ToddS1971 replied to the thread Coolant leak.
      Got home today, temp at 204, a/c on and fan was on as it should be. Turned a/c off to get the fan to cut off, but it didn’t cut off, so...
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      ToddS1971 replied to the thread Coolant leak.
      Since replacing the water pump, I’ve left the clutched fan and lower shroud off because I was curious if the electric condenser fan was...
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      ToddS1971 reacted to BenchTest's post in the thread Coolant leak with Like Like.
      You might need to carry a water pump in the toolbox at this point :gr_guns:
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      ToddS1971 reacted to mtofell's post in the thread Coolant leak with Haha Haha.
      This is the same theory I use with my body.... until something is falling off me I just ignore it and it usually gets better. The...
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      ToddS1971 reacted to rammus's post in the thread Coolant leak with Like Like.
      sounds like a classic water pump issue to me. good catch on spotting it early.
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      ToddS1971 replied to the thread Coolant leak.
      Got it swapped out. Not too difficult actually. Taking the bolts out of the old pump 1 at a time and placing them in the new pump, then...
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      ToddS1971 replied to the thread Coolant leak.
      Made it through day 3 driving to work and back and no issues. It has started leaking again, but not much. Only does it after shutting...
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      ToddS1971 replied to the thread Coolant leak.
      Yep…it was about halfway between the low and full mark in the overflow tank and just below the neck in the radiator….where it always is...
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      ToddS1971 reacted to mikeru's post in the thread Coolant leak with Like Like.
      I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume you checked your coolant level when you got home. The fact that there was nothing leaking...
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      ToddS1971 replied to the thread Coolant leak.
      Day 1 of to work and back, and no issues. Checked after getting home to see if the leak has gotten worse since Saturday, and it’s not...
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      ToddS1971 reacted to BenchTest's post in the thread Coolant leak with Like Like.
      You can probably get away with it. No guarantees, but probably so. Low RPMs would be a good suggestion if you decide to roll the dice.
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      ToddS1971 reacted to aszumilo's post in the thread Coolant leak with Like Like.
      I tried that on mine. I ended up taking a day off of work. Luckily my water pump grenaded about a mile from home, so, I was able to...
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      ToddS1971 reacted to mikeru's post in the thread Coolant leak with Like Like.
      I guess my question is whether you’re willing to deal with breaking down half way to or from work. I probably wouldn’t chance it if it...
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      ToddS1971 reacted to jws123's post in the thread Coolant leak with Like Like.
      Whatever you do dont let it overheat you will/warp heads/blow the engine if ya go to far.
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      ToddS1971 reacted to Jeepwalker's post in the thread Coolant leak with Like Like.
      Risky. I personally wouldn't chance it. My luck isn't that good...when I've tried to push things like that, it resulted in greater (more...
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