Good info, kind of what I expected. Prime environment for this topic too!
Thank you for the reference. I'm in SATX and will try to reach out this upcoming week. Would like to know if they offer a better price than Jet Hot. I definitely would prefer shipping my parts to Houston opposed to NC. May even drive to Houston depending on their turnaround!
Seems you guys have some impressive results with wrap and coatings. Will definitely consider a combo like this.
I never quibbled prices for the great quality work I've had done with PolyDyne or any other local Mom/Pop businesses I've had done in my community. That doesn't mean I'm foolish with my money, but I also value great craftsmanship and keeping the economy here, local.
We just lost one of our locals to retirement. He was from Detroit and owned a machine shop around the corner, aptly named "Motor City Machine Works".
The truly gifted craftsmen are either retiring or dying around us, sadly.
When I was a young puppy in this business, I worked at a Ford dealership in the West University area of Houston. I was surrounded by a bunch of men in the service workshop who were of the "Greatest Generation" era. These men were all WW2 and/or Korean War Vets. They'd all grown up in the Great Depression.
Their work ethics were stunning. Many were of Germanic heritage, some from Northern Europe lineages.
When they worked on a car, it was fixed CORRECTLY the first time. They showed great patience with us young whipper-snappers who were up and coming recipients of "The Torch".
They modeled pride in workmanship, cleanliness and order in the process of diagnostics assessments, through to the finished repair. They PROUDLY put their name on the work that they performed. metaphorically.
These men, along with the influences of my prior mentor, a Rolls Royce Master, instilled excellence, pride, and the willingness to ask when one needed help, offer it when the need was there, and have great "Team" effort.
Their collective skillsets were absolutely phenomenal. It lit the fire that drives my passion to this day for doing accurate and competent repair work, these nearly 50 years later.
My Grandfather(s) were both men who worked with their hands and also contributed to attitudes ABOVE "That'll do" work ethics, so prevalent today.
I cannot ever remember any one of these men in my past possessing an EGO attitude about these values. They DID instill the inner satisfaction of doing a job in a right way as an element of fulfillment in this life.