The new door latch covers/protectors came in. I ordered the RedRock ones from American Trucks. These are plastic, I guess I did not read that part. The first one I tried broke, so,,,,, I was much more careful with the other ones. Now I had to get another set. When I first ordered these I was sent a throttle body spacer!? After getting that all straightened out they shipped the right ones. I called about the broken one and they were nice enough to send me out four more. They also gave me 3 ten dollar certificates for the troubles of the original order. I really like these they are gloss black and snap into place and fit very nicely. I’ll post a picture this weekend.
After looking at them I like them now even more. The fit is perfect and they snap into place. Nice shiney gloss black and they add the little bit of color in this very white truck
I put the rest on carefully by getting the top first by bending the top flap outward and pressing inward, the bottom gets past the latch first and then it all presses on right as rain! I think they look nice! Bright and Shiney!!