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    • appzattak
      appzattak replied to the thread Service shifter.
      Did they mention what software updates were needed? After I got a couple of recalls done is when I seemed to started having these issues.
    • appzattak
      appzattak replied to the thread Service Shifter+Replaced.
      I wonder what the RF module would have to do with it? I have replaced my stock one with a new one as I was going to add keyless...
    • appzattak
      appzattak replied to the thread Service Shifter+Replaced.
      Do you have pics of what you are talking about here. I'd like to look at mine as well.
    • appzattak
      appzattak replied to the thread Service Shifter+Replaced.
      Thanks, not sure this is the same issue as mine though.
    • appzattak
      appzattak replied to the thread Service Shifter+Replaced.
      I still have this issue on the daily. I have no idea what to look at next. Lately what has been happening is it will flash the service...
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