It's most likely the driveshaft center bearing or rear u-joint.
But, put er up on jackstands as others have stated. Put Tk in N (not running), then crawl under and rotate the driveshaft by hand. Push up/down on the center driveshaft bearing with a lot of force ...see how it feels. Same with the front (of the rear d/s) to check that u-joint. Remove the rear of the driveshaft from the diff and feel the U-joints. Then rotate the pinion by hand.
You might want to remove the rear wheels. Put a couple lugnuts on each rear rotor to hold it to the axle, and push in the caliper on each side (with a c-clamp) so the rear diff rotates more 'freely'. Then 'feel' how smooth or not the pinion action is as you rotate it. Lift up on each rotor to feel the bearing play. There might be a slight amount, but it should be very slight.
I would also check the front driveshaft ....and while yer at it, the front CV Axles too ...if it's 4x4. Might as well check the fluids while yer under there. And since yer this far, it might be a good time to take a bit more time and bleed all the old fluid out of the brakes, replace with new. Firm up your brakes a little. Probably needs it. Git er dun all at once! LOL