Junior Member
Good evening - I bought a 2020 Ram 1500 Limited at Copart last December to replace my 2012 that I also got from Copart and enjoyed for over 120,000 miles. The new to me Ram looked like it had minimal front end damage, no airbags deployed and it said it ran and drove. When I got it home it would not crank and every imaginable warning and service system was lit up. I learned the motor was locked, both rear cylinders blew up, pistons in pieces and a hole in block. I took the cab off the frame and cleaned and inspected every connection while replacing the drivetrain. everything is back together and still no crank, no start. I hooked up my scanner and it shows I have a uo100 code - lost communication with ecm/pcm "A". the scanner for live data showed the engine was 419 degrees Fahrenheit and spinning at 16384 rpm. I swpped the pcm with another from a 2020 just to see what if anything would happen and it was exactly the same. I am lost and need guidance, please. I have an extra pcm, body control module and tipm. Can they be reprogrammed to my vin if need be?