Junior Member
Hi ive done abit of searching and i think ive got an issue with alpha ob2, its so buggy on windows 10, anyway i have a genuine gm mdi and using latest alpha obd and i can connect(took me ****** ages) to a 2022 dodge ram 1500 which has a 190l tank in it, i followed the steps and went to car config in bcm and then to fuel tank and changed it from 98 to 190, it all went ok and i went back in and it said 190.000L. so went for drive seems ok, turned car off and back on and then the range left in tank suddenly said LOW, so i tried it again and same issue, do i have to change any other setting, as i know on fords sometimes u have to change settings in 2 spots, in the end i changed the tank setting back to 98L and will see if that makes the rasnge work like before i touched it, has anyone has similar issues or done this on a 2022 model ram and had it work successfully, is windows obd **** and should i just use the andriod app, info info is greatly appreciated